We setsail for Pribinja today to eat at Ringo”s but unfortuantely he was booked out – this has been recommended to us by a couple of people.
Another time maybe.
We are now off to Vbroska. very light wind today, so we are all just relaxing, well Marty and I are , Mick is making tea.
and Frank is busy doing – well whatever he does!
Frank has now decided to use the spinnaker poll on the jib (brilliant spinnaker poll i might add) as the wind today is 0-1 with zippo white horses.
With the little wind we have coming from behind we gull winged for nearly 7 hours^^^^^
We finally arrived ……The plan was to park at the town jetty , have something to eat then anchor at Sorene beach just prior to the entrance of the harbour, but the town jetty charges even if you are only there for a short time.
By now it is nearly 9pm and we were all a little moody with low blood sugar.
So it was decided that we anchor and row( Issues with dingy motor) into the little beach (pebble)
This turned out to be a brilliant choice. There is a nice Restaurant /cafe called Solene , even though it was quite late and we were the only customers the staff made us very welcome.
The next day while Frank and Mick were working on WABO jnr’s outboard, Marty and I decided to walk into town and buy some essentials.
SOMEHOW Mick and Frank had the details in hand, but forgot to include us.
We were dropped off at the swimming beach, where we thought once we called they would then return to the same location and collect us. it just turned in to a comedy of errors!!!!!!!!
I called Frank and he set Mick on his way, but not to our way.Marty and I were sitting under the tree with the shopping watching him go in the wrong direction.
I started running up the jetty like a crazy women jumping up and down waving, he didn’t even look back.
He was gone, I rang Frank and he informed me he is picking us up from town!!!!
OMG its a 20min walk , i wouldn’t catch him, SO quick thinking , I should be able borrow a bike from the restaurant .
So i gave my bag and the rest of the shopping to Marty so she could wait in the shade with the shopping, while i ran up to the restaurant owner to ask for a bike, unfortunately no bike was available.
The restaurant owner (such a nice man) said “No problem i will drive you to town it will take 3 mins “ my reply was but your customers, he then said its ok , gave them their bread , we jumped in his car and off we went!!
He dropped me exactly where mick was waiting. We had a little chuckle I took the helm and off we went back out of the Harbour
Mick laying back taking photos , just like a real tourist . THEN who do i see coming into the harbour , WABO !!!!!
Frank had a bit of a panic , thought mick would be searching for us, he wouldn’t have enough fuel. so he came looking for him.
Our eyes met , his were perhaps a little angry , but mine were full of tears from laughing.I just couldn’t believe it.
what Marty saw was Mick heading into the Harbour, me jumping into car with some man and Frank hoisting the anchor and disappearing into the Harbour as well!!
Her thoughts were – I’m sitting here with all this shopping they’ve gone and i have no Passport!!!
we just couldn’t stop laughing every time we looked at each other. we are still unsure where the mix up happened.
We set sail with similar wind force 0-3 it does seem to vary during the course of the day (it may start at 3 and 0 in the evening or vice versa )arriving at Pokrivenik, this was like entering a gorge, very peaceful with high cliffs on both sides with a fabulous echo . On the west side there is a giant cave entrance Frank and Mick had fun exploring.
Next day we set sail for Loviste , force 3 – 4 winds ,Frank and I were a little bit more prepared and able to reef this time
a little more polite.
Loviste is quite a large bay and we anchored at the south east corner.
We had a nice walk through the town and enjoyed a chat to a couple of locals about there lives here.
one was a retired fisherman,the other one a restaurant owner. We were lucky enough to chat to him while he cleaned his fish he had just caught , that was going to be our dinner that night.
He had spent some time in Fremantle visiting relatives and doing fishing.
There life is very easy going here, and seems idyllic, he gave us quite a bit of insight to his view on life in this fabulous village.
The restaurant was called Grandina, and well worth a visit.
We also took a walk to the east side of the bay to Mirce – we spotted a couple of snakes, or so we thought , they were actually legless lizards!!!
We liked it here so we stayed a couple of days , this is when the decisions was made not to go to Dubrovnic it would be to rushed and there are so many fabulous places to see .
We were then off to Korcula (pron korchoola)
We tacked down the Peljuski – Kanal ,similar to blackwall reach except a bit wider and instead of dodging yachts , we were dodging wind and kite surfers . same stress*
We anchored at Banja this is west of Korcula.
From here we walked into the town, along the way there are the most amazing houses , some 5 storeys .
The old town of Korcula has a castle and at some time was surrounded by a wall it now has lots of alleys with shops and resturantes ,we took a photo of Marco Polos birth place / house (allegedly)had a pizza and a beer in the piazza and watched the soccer.
We left Banji at 11.30 through the Peljeski Kanal heading towards Miljet . this island is a national park. i will get to that later!
We started with south easterly 6-10 knot light swell ,Marty thought , no need to take ginger tablets today (little did she know)
HA!! The wind gradually increased , we reefed the main and furled the jib . The wind just kept picking up OMG ranging from 16 to 28 knots with a 2mt swell.Many many white horses. It was just relentless . we had to get out with the wet weather gear . This went on for about 5 hours . Marty succumbed to the rolling seas and spent a lot of the time trying to focus on anything other than the inside of a plastic bag. This was a very long and tiresome sail. On a good day with correct wind this distance would probably only take a couple of hours”! it took us a total of 8 hours.
I might just add , you can see the destination come and go many times with sailing , its all to do with the wind.
We were actually heading for Polace . but this would have taken another hour or so. There was nearly a mutiny
We headed for Pomena and anchored in the cove called Lokva – stability at last!
Its time for a hot tea and survey the mess. There always seems to be something that we forget to lock off, or secure.
With Frank at the helm , which is required in such rolling sea there is no way i can venture into the cabin for any length of time to secure what was missed , using the head is a HUGE challenge and about all i can manage otherwise i would be joining Marty with my head in a plastic bag!
OGH! livin the dream!
Hi there guys!
I didn’t know you were blogging, discovered a mention on Jane’s Facebook page. Sounds like a wonderful time, discovering all these small villages and corners, meeting new people, enjoying local food. The people seem to be very friendly and helpful.
Hans and I are now practically living in boxes, we will be moving back home to Reykjavík next week. Akureyri is a very nice place to live in but Reykjavík is home. Gunnar, Suzanne and Yrsa are coming to Iceland for three weeks in July, we look forward to having them here. Elísabet was lucky to get a summer job on the switchboard of the university hospital in Reykjavík. She has finished her second university year in Montreal.
Tonight we are going to a Rotary barbecue just outside Akureyri, tomorrow night to another barbecue with some friends, a farewell dinner party next week before we leave. Nice not to have to cook!
Take care, lots of hugs + kisses to you and the captain, let’s stay in touch
Sólveig + Hans
hi guys great to read what you are up to…and visualise you running and waving at mick in the dinghy!!! hilarious!!
poor marty i would hate to have my head in a bag while sailing ………meant to be ‘smooth sailing’ haha.
all is well here and I have my first session looking after Jace when Becky goes back to do a couple of shifts in the next couple of weeks. he is adorable and smiles n laughs at his nanna all the time … i am totally addicted to him…and his smell!!!
hope you have a lovely time with gemma n nick
we are off to ledge this weekend ……..fire on and relax time for me……..just normal for graham!!
keep up the blogging.much luv karen xxxxxxx
Hi Lyndi and Frank,
It’s 5.30am here and Jane is sensibly still asleep. She was thrilled to receive your phone call yesterday and hear that you now have Nick and Gemma with you. It reminded that I hadn’t checked your blog for a couple of days, so I was pleased to see your update this morning. The dream lives on, although it sounds as though Marty had a few moments she’d rather forget. Wonderful to read that you’re all laughing so much of the time at your variious misadventures.
At this end we’ve now begun the process of moving-in, although the last week’s rain and continually cleaning-up after the trades hasn’t helped. We’re taking advantage of the sales to get beds, fridges towels and linen, which is very timely. Blinds and curtains are now on the agenda.
We haven’t heard from Lauren since she left for a 40 hour trip to Canada, but then, we rarely do and she’ll be exhausted. Chris arrives next week.so we want to be just about fully moved-in by then. Nicole is again sailing in the Whitsundays while she’s on semester break from uni. Jane’s getting more work at TAFE and ECU for next semester. I’ll start getting serious about a job when we’ve got the house sorted and will ideally start when Keith, Carrie and Jenny return to England in mid-August. Also need to get 112 Chrysostom St on the short-term rental market asap.
Peter will gt back from a fortnight in Kalgoorlie this weekend. We’ve seen Melanie a couple of times at the house.
We now have a beautiful swimming pool, which looks spectacular day-time and night-time. Floors are magnificent, paving is splendid, so only have a few things left to finish. Getting there at last!
All our love