Frank and I are now in Bobivice with two new crew aboard Jemma and Nic. The weather is perfect (except if you want to sail)
Force 0-2 , not a lot of opportunity to hoist the sails. As they are with is only for 5 days it was decided to go to our favourites spots and just swim and relax.
We spent 2 nights in Osibova as WABO also required some Aluminium welding on a hatch. Frank is unable to do this job on board.
Another walk to Milna is required where we finally were able to meet Thomas Sauer , (Marine engineer) and previous owner of the mill house in stipanska , we have been very curious about this house ,
He said most of the year it was brilliant living there but for the summer season he likened to a circus! The cove becomes extremely hectic with tourist, after 10 years he had had enough , it has now been sold and he and his family have a property in Milna , that is much more private.
Thomas was able to have the hatch fixed for us and suggested we catch up later in the season for a chat and a beer.
Jemma decided it would be fun for her and Nick to cook some fish ! as we are unable to catch them ourselves this meant a trip to the early morning fish markets in Milna
We had spoken in length to the lady running the tabak store(street side newsagency) and she suggested if we wanted fresh fish , we would need to be at the wharf by 5.30AM (we haven’t been awake at that time for ages)It was decided the alarm would be set.
We were unable to motivate Frank and Nic – so when the alarm went off Jemma and I set off for Milna.
We arrived at Milna Wharf around 6am along with the local ladies .It was brilliant we bought our fish straight from the fisherman then sat and had kave (coffee) before heading back, all this before 7.30am!!!!!
Jems and I arrive back at Osobova very happy with our little adventure. My dingy skills are still in need of fine tuning especially when handling the outboard motor. We climbed in < I started the motor < no problem – I just needed to reverse away from the rocks. I’ve seen frank do this many times , just spin the motor around . (what i didnt know, that there was a pin missing and i needed to hold it in place, ) well the motor FLIPPED UP and sent us in to a death defying spin . Somehow i managed to get control,we were then both sitting on the floor of the boat unable to speak – we were just laughing hysterically.
It was now up to Frank to clean the fish and Nic to cook’ they both did a brilliant job.
We must now start our way back to the mainland this is another perfect sail 15knots and no swell , we arrived a stomorska
Frank and I were here 2 years ago and since then it has seen a few changes.
There is now a “disco on the beach” which apparently goes until early hours of the morning and the police are often called.The restaurant “turanj” has been refurbished. It still has the same owner and his father operates the local cellar door, selling their own wine and olive oil. For some reason he remembered Frank. Here we met an English couple, they have been sailing around croatia for some time and gave us a few hints , and thanks to them i now have an inverter (YIPEE)
We had a lot of fun with Jemma and Nic but the time was very short.
We had weather that was perfect for them, some days glassed out and very little wind with temperatures in the 30s.
Trying to keep up with this blog has been a real challenge,
there seem to be a lot of daylight hours here, but I’m sure the time goes much faster here.
I think now that I have power, net,and a universal adapter, all at the same time there will be updates on time!!!!!!!!!
Hi! Finally got around to reading your blog and I love it. Keep it up
Love you guys. Xxx